Leeds West Academy

Cheerleading Competition

This week, Leeds West Academy’s Starlight Cheerleaders attended the Manchester Velodrome for the first competition of the season.

Sporting new kits which premiered at the event, the cheerleading team brought back three trophies from long day which began at 8:30 and saw the students return to the Academy after 6pm.

The awards included two second places and a third place trophy. For many of the cheerleaders it was their first time competing and a huge achievement for them and for the school.

Ms Johnston said today: “Our girls’ behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to to work with. Thank you to Mrs Jennings and Mrs Marsh for their help at the competition; the girls wholly appreciate it. The Starlight Cheerleaders are still putting in the hours and training hard for our next competition, which is on Sunday 10th July.”