Leeds West Academy

A school where I achieve


Excellence, Transformation, Community.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Leeds West Academy, a transformational place of learning at the heart of its community. A community we are proud to be a part of and proud to represent. Our transformational journey is well on the way as confirmed by our ‘Good’ Ofsted judgement in May 2019 and again following a further two day inspection in September 2022.

At Leeds West Academy, we hold the six core values of Care, Commitment and Community at the centre of all we do. These three values alongside our three simple rules, Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe are our architecture for success and underpin the ambition we have for our students and our community...

Find out more

Dan Whieldon Principal       

Students: Please report any issues or concerns by clicking the button below, we are here to help.
Parents and Carers should feel welcome to use our online form on the Safeguarding page to let us know of any issues or concerns that they may have.


Welcome to Leeds West Academy



Click here to read the Principal's letter regarding our recent Ofsted visit and to view the full Ofsted report. 


Penalty notice fines for school attendance has changed, find out more here.


If you have any safeguarding concerns, please visit the safeguarding page on our website for more details:

Leeds West Academy - Safeguarding