Leeds West Academy


 Key Stage 3 - Year 7 Curriculum 

Year 7




The UK

Content: Map and graph skills, sustainability, local geographies, GIS, tourism, managing natural environments, erosion, urban management, rivers and fluvial processes, infiltration fieldwork

Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


Content: Development, urbanisation, trade, conflict, resource management, tourism, culture, volcanic hazards and processes, the tropical rainforest biome, managing rivers

Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


Content: Underwater biomes, managing climate change, ecosystems and adaptations, wildfire natural hazards, the water cycle, glaciation, volcanic tourism, population management, development 

Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04 

Key Stage 3 - Year 8 Curriculum 

Year 8






Content: Mapping population, megacities, globalisation, tectonics, coastal processes and landforms, resource management, sustainability, glacial tourism, flood risk management, weather and climate, microclimate fieldwork


Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04




Content: Geological time, volcanic types, climate graphs, extreme weather hazards, ecosystems, conservation and sustainability, wilderness, global commons and international cooperation, tourism


Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


South America


Content: Colonisation, TRF and hot desert environments, earthquake causes and impacts, evolution and biodiversity, illegal trade, development, sustainability, resource management


Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


Key Stage 3 - Year 9 Curriculum 

Year 9




North America


Content: Culture in the Arctic, climate change, migration, tourism, development, global superpowers, TNCs, earthquakes and supervolcanoes , river processes and landforms, resource management, coastal processes


Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


Global News


Content: An area of study allowing students to investigate how geography is in our global lives.


Wider links: Local geography, place and space A level links, geo politics


Content: Students work in groups to put together a proposal for the next world cup. Focussed on working at home.



Content: Climate change, sustainability, monsoon hazards, the Middle East, resource management, geopolitics, tsunamis, mountains, global superpowers


Skills: A01, A02, A03 & A04


Key Stage 4 - Year 10 Curriculum 

Year 10








AQA Human geography – Paper 2 challenges in the human environment


Students study the UK access to resources including food, water, and energy. Students then complete an in-depth study of water projects in an NEE and LIC

Living world


AQA Physical geography Paper 1: Living with the physical environment


Students study the different global biomes before taking a closer look at hot deserts and the tropical rainforest environment.

Weather Hazards


AQA Physical geography Paper 1: Living with the physical environment


Students study the changing meteorological pattern of the UK and tropical storms around the world including a case study

Tectonic Hazards


AQA Physical geography Paper 1: Living with the physical environment


Students contrast the impacts and responses to a tectonic hazard in an HIC and LIC

Coasts and Rivers


AQA Physical geography Paper 1: Living with the physical environment


Along with a trip to the Holderness coast students study the coastline of the UK and focus upon erosional and depositional landforms found along our shores and rivers.

Fieldwork (Unseen and trip)

EOY Revision and FULL Paper 1+3


AQA Paper 3 geographical application


Students undertake fieldwork and complete a write up of activities and explore the notion of data in the field.

 Key Stage 4 - Year 11 Curriculum 

Year 11

Autumn/ Spring




AQA Human geography – Paper 2 challenges in the human environment


Students explore global changes in our cities and tows before contrasting a city in the UK with a city in an emerging economy


Changing Economic World


AQA Human geography – Paper 2 challenges in the human environment


Students explore the changing political and economic world around us before comparing the UK with an NEE assessing global balances in development and sustainability

Pre-release/ Revision