Leeds West Academy


The Importance of Attendance

At Leeds West Academy, we place a large emphasis on students maintaining exceptional attendance. Maintaining 100% attendance means that your child does not miss any vital learning experiences. It also ensures that your child is well placed to overcome any of the obstacles presented by unavoidable absence from the academy. As you will be aware, there has always been a clear correlation between excellent attendance and outcomes. At Leeds West Academy, the attendance target is 97%. We know that when children attend, they achieve.

Reporting Attendance 

The easiest way to report your child’s absence is via the Arbor app or via text, these messages will go directly to your child’s designated year group attendance support officer. Further information and guidance on using the Arbor app can be found here. You can also report your child’s absence by contacting the academy on 0113 229 5454 and following the attendance reporting line.

You must report your child’s absence daily to school, so we know they are safe

“Every Day Counts”
Your child’s attendance target is no more than 5 days absence from school in a school year.

0-5 days absence in a school year


Outstanding attendance!


Students will have had access to great teaching and learning and expected to make 1 grade more progress in each subject compared to students at the same starting point.


6 – 10 days absence in a school year


Good attendance.


Students will have had access to great teaching and learning and expected to make 0.5 grade more progress in each subject compared to students at the same starting point.


11-19 days absence in a school year


Attendance in school needs some work!


Students in this band may miss out on some unique opportunities that occur at Leeds West Academy.  If your child is frequently absent from school they will miss out on many opportunities to educate, nurture and improve their personal well-being.

20+ days

Attendance requires attention and support


Students in this band are not getting the full experience of Leeds West Academy and are missing out on all the great opportunities that are on offer. In addition to this, your child will miss out on the social aspects of interacting with friends and building positive relationships with staff, these factors contribute positively to good mental health. Students with 20+ days absence will find exams difficult due to lost learning, therefore possibly limiting their life chances.


How Attendance Impacts Your Learning

Your child should be in school by 8.20am everyday. This ensures they are on time, relaxed & ready for form time at 8.30am. If your child is late to school, this is likely to result in lost learning & falling behind their peers. 

Does your child struggle with getting to school on time? Run through this check list with your child to encourage them to improve their time management skills.

Parental Expectations 

Parents with children at Leeds West Academy are expected to: 

  • Inform school via Arbor app or text message of any absence, this must be done for every day of a child's absence
  • inform school by telephone 0113 2295454 option 1 every day of absence before 9.00am
  • provide evidence to cover any medical appointment absence on the child’s return to school
  • ensure that their child gets to school on time, where they are late support the academy's actions in issuing a same day after school 30mins detention.
  • not take family holidays during term time (see further guidance below)
  • Only the Principal may authorise such absences. Absences without permission from school will be registered as unauthorised (equivalent to truancy).

We understand that maintaining high attendance is the key to success, however, there may be times when absence is unavoidable. In these situations, where possible, we request that you complete an 'Exceptional Circumstances Form' from the attendance office prior to the absence. Parents should complete the forms and return them to the attendance office for the principal to authorise. We will notify you of the decision, so you are informed if the absence is authorised or unauthorised. These absences will still affect absence %.

Exceptional Circumstances may include: 

  • Representative event (for example sport, music or school)
  • Religious observance
  • Family bereavement (immediate family)
  • Employer/further education/school interview
  • Specialised medical appointments for students who are undergoing specialised care outlined in care plans or those with a diagnosed medical condition.

Any other ‘exceptional circumstances’ will be at the discretion of the principal and a student’s attendance record will be considered when deciding whether to grant permission for absence.

‘Exceptional Circumstances’ DO NOT include:

  • looking after siblings
  • general doctor/practitioner appointments,
  • birthdays
  • shopping for uniform. 

The Legal Framework 

The Legal Framework 

Under The Education Act 1999, parents are responsible for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive full-time education. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child’s regular attendance at the school where they are registered.

If a child of compulsory school age who is registered at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, the parent is guilty of an offence under this Act.

Term-time holidays

LWA will not authorise any term time holidays and if you choose to take your child/children out of school you could face a fine of up to £80 per parent, per child.

If you feel there are exceptional circumstances, then you must complete a leave of absence form which can be found here and submit this to the attendance team asap to allow us to look at this on your behalf.

Government guidance has changed with effect from August 2024 regarding term time holidays, the amount of the fine you could receive and whether you have taken a holiday the previous year, details of this can be found here

Penalty Notice Fines

Click here for PDF version.


Why is an absence not authorised?

  • Medical appointments will only be authorised with evidence.
  • If your child is unwell for 3 or more days, medical evidence will be required to further authorise absence from day 4.
  • If your child’s attendance falls below 90%, they then become persistently absent (LA guidance), absences will not be authorised without evidence for students with poor attendance.
  • If your child arrives significantly late to school (after the school register closes), this will result in unauthorised absence.
  • You do not notify us with a reason for your child’s absence

Persistent unauthorised absences may result in your child’s attendance being monitored and a potential fine.

What is the absence period for sickness and diarrhea?

24 hours is the incubation period for students who are unwell with S or D.

Why have you visited my home?

Staff may visit you at your home

  • To conduct a welfare call if your child is persistently absent from school,
  • If your child is absent for 3 or more days consecutively,
  • if we suspect you may be on holiday and haven’t notified us
  • If there are any safeguarding concerns or family support is needed

Why do I need to call school daily?

We require absence to be reported daily as we cannot assume that your child is safe at home.

Attendance Strategy 

Click here to view our Attendance Strategy.

Contact us 

The attendance team is here to support the attendance of all students and can offer advice and solutions to help your child improve their attendance at school.

The Team: 

Mr Rob Cross - Associate Assistant Principal for Attendance 

Miss Emma Slater - Attendance Leader, Year 11 ASO and Safeguarding Officer 

Mrs Lisa Clough - Year 7 ASO 

Mrs Janine Reid - Year 8 ASO and Safeguarding Officer 

Mrs Helen Ramsdale - Year 9 ASO 

Miss Eloise Brown - Year 10 ASO 


If you would like to email the team directly, please do so here

Call us on 01132 295454 and select attendance

Message us via the Arbor app placing “attendance” at the start of your message