Leeds West Academy


Here at Leeds West Academy, we are beginning to use a new system called Arbor to ensure we continue to communicate effectively with parents.  

Arbor is a new system that staff, students and parents will use to track attendance and achievements, as well as the main way we will communicate with parents.

What is the Arbor Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal is a version of Arbor accessible to parents who choose to use a laptop or computer.

You can access the Parent Portal by clicking on the Arbor logo below. 

What is the Arbor App? 

The Arbor App is the mobile version of the Parent Portal, for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. 

On the app you will be able to receive updates from the academy and access several resources including information about your child’s attendance, behaviour and progress. 

How do you download the Arbor App? 

You will have received a letter which details your account information. If you have lost this letter, or need further support from the academy, please contact our admin team on 0113 229 5454.

If you would like to download the app, to stay up to date with academy communications, you can click on the buttons below to be taken to your devices app store OR alternatively you can click here to visit the Arbor website which will guide you through the process.