Leeds West Academy





Miss Preston

Miss Hutchinson

Mr Leonard

Mrs McHale

Miss Morley

The Nurture Team at Leeds West Academy seeks to support the diverse social and emotional wellbeing needs of some of the most vulnerable young people in the academy.

Offering targeted support for Social and Emotional development, the Nurture Group staff deliver carefully planned sessions throughout the week in a “home from home” environment. The Nurture Room is well equipped with a kitchen and family dining style table to foster a supportive and welcoming environment. In addition, a further classroom and small sensory support room are also part of the Nurture provision.

The four Nurture specialists at Leeds West Academy carefully assess the needs of students referred into their provision using a combination of Boxall Profiling and completion of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaires. The results of these assessments are then used to determine the most suitable intervention for each student. The Nurture Team offer a range of specialist one to one and small group sessions including Drawing and Talking Therapy, counselling, Creative Communication, Healthy Relationships and Self Esteem sessions amongst others.

Leeds West Academy are pleased to work in collaboration with Relax Kids who offer a range of sessions designed to support child relaxation techniques for those with heightened Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. Our Relax Kids Practioner works on 2 days a week and accepts referrals via the Nuture Team. In addition, we welcome external colleagues from The Base on site once a week after the school day to offer advice about healthy relationships and sexual health.

Break and lunch time ‘quiet clubs’ are always well attended the Nurture Room! The team offer an alternative place for students who may be on the Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) register or known to be in a heightened state of emotions who may find socialising in the main canteen challenging. Passes are issued to access this provision by the Nurture and SEND Teams.

Our Nurture Group staff are highly trained in Nurture Group principles and supported through membership of the national Nurture Group Network.