Leeds West Academy

Examination Information

Our Service

All students are entered for appropriate qualifications such as GCSE, Entry Level, BTEC, A-Levels, Diplomas etc. after following a course programme. We currently offer qualifications from AQA, OCR, Edexcel, ASDAN, NCFE, VTCT and WJEC.

Students will be informed about their examination entries at the appropriate time by their subject teacher and will also receive a personalised timetable of examinations and a 'Notice to Candidates' (which lists the examination rules).

We will ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities during an examination.

Download our Protocol for Appeals & Enquiries about Results 

Our Expectations

Students must attend all public examinations for which they are entered promptly and in full school uniform.

If a student is ill and cannot attend an examination they must let the school know as soon as possible and provide a doctor's note. If a student misses an examination without a valid reason a charge will be made to cover the costs. This is around £25 for a GCSE.

Students are not permitted to have a mobile phone, iPod or MP3 player on their person during an examination. Anyone found with one will be reported to the examination board and are likely to have their examination cancelled. If a phone rings in a bag in the hall the incident will be reported to the examination board. Leave these items at home.

Students are expected to obey all instructions from the invigilators and behave in an orderly and respectful manner. Students disrupting an examination either by inappropriate behaviour, talking or non-verbal communication may be removed from the examination hall. They will be reported to the examination bodies who may decide to cancel their paper, and in some cases ban pupils from sitting any examinations.


PDF Information for candidates - Non-examination assessments
PDF Information for candidates - Social Media >>
PDF Information for candidates - Written Exams >>
PDF Information for candidates - Privacy Notice >>
PDF Information for candidates - Onscreen Tests >>
PDF AI use in examinations 
PDF Preparing to sit your exam 


Our Contingency Plan

Download Our Contingency Plan